Wednesday 14 November 2012

November 14 Grad Meeting

Tonight's agenda is:

Sacred Heart High School Information Night for Graduates

1.   Welcome

2.   Scheduling meetings with Mrs. Shearer
-sign up sheet outside my office

3.   Graduation requirements – If you are not sure           about your credits, ASK ME

4. – Sacred Heart’s career information site.

a.   Login – yorkton
b.    Passwork – rcs
c.   Create a portfolio (I have your passwords if you have a portfolio and have forgotten)
d.   This is a great portal to schools within Canada and beyond our borders
e.   Great location for career searches
f.     Great location for assessments on skills and interests to better select a career
g.   Great location to create a list of accomplishments, experiences in and out of school

5.   Scholarships
a.   our local scholarship booklet comes out in March
b.   We have scholarship books in the library that list many scholarships for Canadian college and universities
c.   start applying sooner than later – start searching online.
d.   Check – Holy Trinity (another useful site)

6.   Post secondary

a.   Deadlines for applying
                                                             i.      How to apply
                                                           ii.      Applications
                                                        iii.      Department of Learning transcripts
                                                       iv.      University of Regina and University of Saskatchewan both come to our school in March to assist with applications /entrance scholarships
                                                          v.      Applications can be started for most schools, Siast applications should be started now
b.   Become familiar with the post secondary school websites.  There is lots of great information on there
c.   There are resources available in guidance office for ACT/SAT exams

Scholarship/Contest Information Sheet
Parent’s workplace/Family Club affiliation
Sacred Heart’s Scholarship Booklet (March 2012)

*    Some scholarships are academic specific
*    Some scholarships are volunteer specific
*    Some scholarships are post secondary plans specific
*    Some scholarships are more like contests
o   Answer a question in the form of a small essay
o   Build something
o   Write a poem
o   Give an opinion
o   Create a video
Prepared to apply:
1.    Need a couple of reference letters
a.    These letters are from people that can attest to the kind of person you are and how you work
                                                                         i.      Teachers
                                                                       ii.      Employers
                                                                    iii.      Coaches
                                                                    iv.      Volunteer Supervisors
                                                                      v.      Clergy
                                                                    vi.      NEVER – family, friends, other relatives
b.    certified transcript  - transcripts can be ordered from SaskLearning any time.  SaskLearning will send an official transcript after semester 1 and after semester 2. (only for schools located in Saskatchewan)
***forms are outside my office***

c. out of province schools – transcripts after         semester 1 can be sent from the school and official transcripts will be sent from the province in July


Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

***For up to date guidance information (including scholarships) please refer to

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